Inspiration vs Reproduction: Revisited

Back in August, we talked about inspiration vs reproduction, and since then we have had even more brides come to us already knowing what they want their bouquet to look like. However, most of these brides were only inspired by what they saw. They were not looking for us to recreate the same bouquet, but wanted us to take their idea and put a spin on it to make it their own!

Our top three inspiration vs reality bouquets are below. Please notice how each one has little details that the original did not have. Some changes were made because of the bride's budget, some were because a flower was out of season or the bride didn't like the flower, but most were because the bride wanted something that was her very own. Something that she could look back on and be happy knowing that her personality was captured.

Inspiration (left) used softer blues and greens, but our reproduction (right) used bolder blues and greens to give the bouquet an added pop. We also placed a small blue butterfly in the bouquet for the bride.
Inspiration (top) used a variety of flowers to give extra texture and dimension, but our bride wanted her reproduction (bottom) to be softer with pops of bold color coming from Freespirit Roses to give dimension.

Inspiration (left) used soft pinks and purples to add contrast to the golds and yellows, but our bride requested her reproduction (right) to have no pinks and purples. To reflect the fall season and add extra texture we used Yarrow in place of the berries.

We hope that you have enjoy looking through our inspirations vs reproductions, and find your own inspiration to turn into a symbol of your personality!

Enjoy! And don't forget to check us out on Pinterest! You can see all of the things we are working on and have been inspired by!


Poinsettias - not just your average Christmas plant


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